this is how you can insert into a table from cfquery resultset.
many insert cfquery will be a bad idea. this is also not a very efficient way but kind of okay. best thing you can do is to prepare a xml set and insert through a stored proc through xml insert.
this is easy to do in cf.
1. your query is "qryCodeValue"
<cfsavecontent variable="qryTorun">
INSERT INTO table (ListNumber,listvalue) VALUES
<cfoutput query="qryCodeValue">
(#qryCodeValue.ListNumber#, '#qryCodeValue.codevalue#)
<cfif qryCodeValue.currentRow EQ qryCodeValue.recordCount>;<cfelse>,</cfif>
<cfquery name="qryRunInsertVar" datasource="#yourDS#">
many insert cfquery will be a bad idea. this is also not a very efficient way but kind of okay. best thing you can do is to prepare a xml set and insert through a stored proc through xml insert.
this is easy to do in cf.
1. your query is "qryCodeValue"
<cfsavecontent variable="qryTorun">
INSERT INTO table (ListNumber,listvalue) VALUES
<cfoutput query="qryCodeValue">
(#qryCodeValue.ListNumber#, '#qryCodeValue.codevalue#)
<cfif qryCodeValue.currentRow EQ qryCodeValue.recordCount>;<cfelse>,</cfif>
<cfquery name="qryRunInsertVar" datasource="#yourDS#">