
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

red text in viewsource in firefox / why code is in red in firefox view source

if you wonder why you see red text in view source in firefox.   
<b><u><font size="2">EN </u></b></font> 
refer above example. 

here is the reason. 
there must be wrong with its start/end tag, missing double quote, missing single quote
or wrong  opening or closing of tag. 
in above example you can see i m closing font at last but i 
should close  it immediately after  text "EN".

Saturday, September 21, 2013

adding a blank value in a list

some times we need to add a blank value in a list. 

just as a note blank value will not be added if you are not adding a space in it

code 1 :     <cfset lstBOtitle = listappend(lstBOtitle,"",",")/>   -- will not work

code 2:     <cfset lstBOtitle = listappend(lstBOtitle," ",",")/>   -- will work
(above code has a space in it )

Thursday, March 28, 2013

showing /r/n for carriage returns and new line in ColdFusion Builder

showing whitespace in coldfusion Builder as r n

this is very common that some time while writing our code in coldfusion builder we press CTRL + period key (.) and coldfusion builder starts showing while space, carriage return as \r \n and you start feeling kind of :( .

simply toggle with pressing CTRL + . (period key) and it will be okay.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

eq operator in coldfusion is case insenitive (:) very easy to mistake)

eq operator in coldfusion is case insensitive

its very common mistake. remember eq operator in coldfusion is case insensitive.
see below example.

<cfset a = "USD">
<cfset b = "usd">

<cfif a  eq b >   

Friday, February 15, 2013

how to check if attribute exists in a xml node in coldfusion

how to check if attribute exists in a xml node in coldfusion

<cfif structKeyExists( node[1].xmlAttributes, "name" )>                                   
            <cfset statefileName = node[1]>
           <cfset statefileName = ""/>

here Name is attribute thats i am trying to know if it is defined or not. 
isdefined fuction will not work here in finding node or attribute.

structKeyExists will help in finding if an attribute is present in a node or not.